
Work on this page was cast in South Italy on the surface of Cannonball artifacts in Otranto Castle.  Scroll to view exhibition images followed by process.

Cannonball Skins on pedestals and brass bullet casings on floor

Cannonball Skins are casts of the weapons fired from Ottoman galley ships during the 1480 Ottoman Invasion of Italy.

Female Abduction Box
Silk fabric, chain and leather handle
24x15.5x5 inches

During the 1480 occupation of Otranto, many Italian women were kidnapped.

Female Abduction Box
Painted dimensional paper tablets, seashells, sea glass, pins, sand
24x15.5x5 inches

The tablets were created on the surface of Ottoman cannonballs.

Female Abduction Box (Interior view)
tablets are 5x9 inches ea.
Female Abduction Box (lid interior)
Dimensional tablet on silk with chain and leather
Gallery view

Atlantic Works Gallery, Easy Boston

View 3D gallery tour here.

Guest artists included Christine Coënon, French sound artist and filmmaker living in Paris; and Boston-based artist John Wilkinson, who fabricated a plexiglass mobile, “The Blue Bolt.”

“Once Upon a Time Otranto”
Click image to listen to Christine Coënon's audio.

You will hear flocks of starlings, the sea, bells,and voices from the seaside town located way, way down at the sole of the heel of Italy's boot.

Skin of Warriors: Men I Have Loved
Copper tubing, paper tablets cast on top of Otranto cannonballs, plaster gouache
5 x 4 feet

The tablets in this mobile were made upon the cannonballs.

The work honors men: father and uncles, grandfathers, lovers, and childhood friends who fought in wars.

Process images